Basque Nationalist Party deputies Felix Landaburu and Cosme Elgezabal presented the proposal to create the Basque Language Academy in the Provincial Council of Bizkaia.
Bizkaia Provincial Council approves the motion by Kosme Elgezabal and Felix Landaburu, in which it urges the Province Council of Bizkaia, along with the other three councils, to decide to create and support a Basque Language Academy.
Oñati, university building. The first congress of Eusko Ikaskuntza [Language section, specifically] decided unanimously, at the request of Txomin Agirre, head of the language section, to create the Academy of the Basque language and a committee appointed to prepare the rules of the academy in two weeks: Urreta, Elgezabal, Agirre, Azkue, Olabide, Eleizalde and Biziola (Olabide makes the first proposal.) Furthermore, in an unspecific time, the first four members of the academy are appointed: Azkue, Campion, Eleizalde and Urkixo.
Bilbao, Foral Palace. The aforementioned committee (Elgezabal, Azkue, Olabide, Eleizalde and Biziola; Urreta and Agirre were not present) receives Olabide’ s proposal and approves it; they decide to publish it in newspapers to hear favourable and contrary opinions.
Bilbao, Foral Palace. The same committee (Urreta, Agirre, Azkue, Olabide, Eleizalde and Biziola; Elgezabal was not present) studies and approves the final regulatory proposal.
Eusko Ikaskuntza decides to submit the proposal to the four provincial councils for approval.
Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa approves the proposal.
Provincial Council of Bizkaia approves the proposal.
Provincial Council of Araba approves the proposal.
Provincial Council of Navarre approves the proposal.
San Sebastian, Foral Palace. The four members of the academy previously appointed meet in Oñati (Azkue, Campion, Eleizalde and Urkixo) with representatives of Basque publications (K. Etxegarai, RIEV; P. Broussain, Eskualduna; Domingo Agirre, Euskal Esnalea; Damaso Intza, Irugarrengo Prantziskotarra; Cirilo Arzubiaga, Jaungoiko Zale y Jesusen Biotzaren Deya; Toribio Altzaga, Euskal-Erria; and Gregorio Muxika, Euskalerriaren alde), and also Julian Elortza (President of Eusko Ikaskuntza) and Angel Apraiz (secretary of Eusko Ikaskuntza). Eight new members are voted and chosen unanimously: Agirre, Broussain, Adema, Intzagarai, Agerre, Eguzkitza, Olabide and Lhande.
Blas Adema rejects the appointment via a letter. The rest accept (it is unclear how).
San Sebastián, Foral Palace. First meeting of the Academy. Due to the rejection of Adema, Martin Landerretxe is unanimously appointed member of the academy. The first charges are designated, by vote (but not unanimously): President, Azkue (7 votes); Treasurer, Agerre (4 votes); Librarian, Urkixo (8 votes); Secretary, Eleizalde (9 votes). A commission was appointed to work on the internal rules (Azkue, Eleizalde and Olabide). It is noteworthy that this meeting was still chaired by Julian Elortza (President of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and Eusko Ikaskuntza) and Angel Apraiz acted as secretary (secretary of Eusko Ikaskuntza) but none of them participated in the voting.
Resurreccion Maria Azkue, Raimundo Olabide and Luis Eleizalde meet for the first time as a commission to work on the internal rules of the academy.
San Sebastián, Foral Palace. First ordinary meeting of Euskaltzaindia: only members (Agerre is missing) met and the meeting was chaired by Azkue. Honorary and corresponding members were appointed.