5 publications for the search
The review Euskera was founded in 1920 and in 100 years it has published content on the academic life of Euskaltzaindia, original research articles, book references and the like. As of 2021, Euskaltzaindiaren buletina was created with the aim of informing about the academic life of Euskaltzaindia. On the other hand, scientific content has continued to be published in the review Euskera ikerketa aldizkaria.
The review Euskera was founded in 1920 and in 100 years it has published content on the academic life of Euskaltzaindia, original research articles, book references and the like. As of 2021, Euskaltzaindiaren buletina was created with the aim of informing about the academic life of Euskaltzaindia. On the other hand, scientific content has continued to be published in the review Euskera ikerketa aldizkaria.
2014 marks the hundredth anniversary of the start of the Ist World War. Eneko Bidegain has studied how the Euskalduna weekly treated this event and how it was used to induce greater allegiance to France amongst the Basque speakers of the French Basque Country.
The objective is to provide a certain amount of clarity on the recommendations, guidelines ... which have been taught in the world of education regarding the registers and types of language.
Available in digital format
The Azkue Library and Archive serves Euskaltzaindia. It is also open to all researchers and it aims to foster research and support the distribution of Basque cultural issues as far as it is able.