47 publications for the search
Most of the linguistic traces of the Basque heritage of antiquity so far found in the area marked by the rivers Adour, Aragón, Ebro and Barbadun are names of gods and goddesses. Up to now a total of seventeen inscriptions have been described, yielding nine such theonyms. Compared to all the evidence that exists in the Hautes-Pyrénées and Haute-Garonne regions, this small series is insignificant; however, as examples of proper names of people are even rarer, clearly theonyms are the primary source of research into the early Basque language.
The aim of this piece is to describe the proto-Basque language of antiquity by analysing the names of local gods and goddesses, while attempting to determine as far as possible the territory covered by ancient Vasconia.
This work is the result of the research project being conducted by Euskaltzaindia into the historical toponymy of Vitoria-Gasteiz, including its 64 localities. Following publication of the work on Malizaeza, Ubarrundia, Langraiz and Arratzua, it is now the turn of Dibiña, which is to be presented in two volumes. This book, Dibiña I, corresponds to the first part of the study of this merindad, and contains the toponymy of Abetxuku / Abechuco, Andetxa / Antezana, Arangiz, Foronda, Lopida / Lopidana, Mendiguren and Ihurre.
The Academy's database for this project contains nearly 400,000 toponymic records. The toponymy research in Dibiña I worked with a corpus of 27,000 records, and this volume presents about 10,200 documentary samples and 1,106 toponymic entries, ordered, classified and with the pertinent observations.
According to some researchers today, although the information available is scarce and more than once questionable, little is known to suggest the hypothesis that pre-Latin Indo-European (Celtic) Latin predominated in ancient times in Gipuzkoa. In this work, I analyze the information that can be gleaned from Roman epigraphy and the books of geographers and historians, comparing it with medieval and modern Basque onomastics, always with the aim of helping to shed light on the linguistic situation of Ancient Gipuzkoa, both geographically and historically. I also try to see if the linguistic and archaeological data point in the same direction, to try to identify if there was only one or more cultural areas.
There are two main reasons for publishing this book. On the one hand, to present the current situation and the future tasks of applied Basque onomastics; on the other hand, share first-hand experiences beyond the Basque Country.
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It includes the names of the towns of Gipuzkoa, the forms they have presented throughout history and a possible explanation of their etymology, and we say "possible" because it is a slippery terrain that requires careful walking to avoid slipping. We authors have tried to be cautious, relying on the variety of documents, the historical phonetics of Basque, the nature of the place and the experiences we have had up to now. Not only are the names of the towns in Gipuzkoa included, but also of many neighborhoods, although sometimes it is not easy to determine what is and what is not a "neighborhood" in a country like ours with a dispersed population. At the same time, we also talk about the name of the province and its capital.
The results of the Arratzua merindad study have been divided into three volumes. The first and second editions of Arratzua I and Arratzua II have already been published. Now, we present the third and last, Arratzua III, which includes the toponymy of Ilarratza, Jungitu, Lubinau, Matauku, Oreitia, Uribarri Arratzua and Zerio.
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Arratzua, district situated in the east of the municipality consisting of 21 villages. This first piece of work Arratzua I includes the toponyms of the villages of Arkaia, Arkauti, Betoñu, Elorriaga, Gamiz and Otazu.
List of all the rivers of the Basque Country, in Basque, Spanish and French. Together with explanatory maps of river basins. Rule 166 of the Royal Academy of the Basque Language.
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Historical and present-day place-names of the villages of the old merindad (sub-provincial administrative area) of Langraiz are collected in this volume, including those of Ariz, Aztegieta, Krispiña, Estarroa, Gometxa, Lermanda, Margarita, Mendotza, Otatza, Subilla, Zuhatzu eta Zumeltzu.
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The Basque names of the Basque Country’s municipalities, those of citizens, and official names have also been compiled. Since 1998, the Euskaltzaindia-Royal Academy of the Basque Language has regarded this catalogue of names as the norm.
This book classifies the toponyms of the six villages that make up the Ubarrundia area of Vitoria-Gasteiz (Amarita, Erretana, Miñao, Miñaogutxia, Gamarra and Gamarragutxia) and presents them in a standard form.
The author examines small or hypocoristic names. In his opinion they are very important, firstly, because they give report on how we Basques nominalise and continue to nominalise in this day and age.
It contains the toponyms of the towns that belong to the county of Malizaeza, namely: Ali/Ehari, Aretxabaleta, Armentia, Arriaga, Berroztegieta, Castillo/Gaztelu, Eskibel, Gardelegi, Lasarte, Monasterioguren and Mendiola.
This book is in two parts: The first contains place-names from the city but excludes street names. The latter compiles the names connected with city roads. Included are the names of all streets, town squares, quarters, districts etc until 2004.
This book gathers the lexicon of these two valleys in northern Navarre: Erroibar and Esteribar. It is an idiomatic dictionary. We have compiled, both from written sources as well as oral, Basque words in their proper context.
In September 1990, participating in the activities for the ninth centenary of the foundation of Lizarra, the Academy organised its third onomastics conference there. Researchers and specialists from all over Europe presented their most recent work and research there. They took part in the discussions held and attempted to approach and clarify outstanding problems in both Basque and Romance onomastics.
The author is an expert in the analysis of the biggest and minor toponymy of the mentioned town people. She analyzes both ancient written and oral and current testimonies.
The author goes into depth regarding place names in this area located in the Duranguesado, a part of Bizkaia close to the border with Gipuzkoa. He also adds anecdotes of the lives of past and present inhabitants of Zaldibar.
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This publication covers toponyms in Ermua-Eitzaga. In addition to the documentation compiled, the author is witness to the history and particular features of these places, adding old pictures of places that no longer exist.
This book contains reports on research into toponyms and onomastic references in areas that are not Basque-speaking areas at present. Threre is also a lengthy report titled "Andres de Poza, lingüista del renacimiento" by the internationally renowned linguist, Eugenio Coseriu.
This study is a highly comprehensive compilation of large and small toponyms in the Basque Country that appear in cartularies from the Middle Ages.
This study is a highly comprehensive compilation of large and small toponyms in the Basque Country that appear in cartularies from the Middle Ages.
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This study is a highly comprehensive compilation of large and small toponyms in the Basque Country that appear in cartularies from the Middle Ages.
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This study is a highly comprehensive compilation of large and small toponyms in the Basque Country that appear in cartularies from the Middle Ages. This volume contains toponyms under the letter "A" that were found until the 13th century. At the end there is a "reverse index".
Special Research Prize from the Universidad Pública de Navarra, 1994. This book covers toponyms from the Pamplona basin, together with historical and linguistic commentaries on them.
The author, Amaia Usabiaga (Beasain, 1965) has prepared a description and compiled the most important toponyms of the locality of Andoain together with their vocalic variations. She also includes a list of toponyms that have not been located (in alphabetical order), a general index and (as an offprint) a map of Andoain.
Contemporary and ancient toponyms from Ansoain are gathered together in this book.
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These three books cover the toponyms of Pamplona and its surrounding area, both those that appear in ancient documents and in current documents.
Minutes of the First International Congress on Onomastic Sciences, held in Vitoria, in 1986 with the participation of 17 specialists on this subject. The book contains a summary of the dialogues and an onomastic index. This study is an essential reference for specialists in this branch of linguistics.
This book contains the three major studies by studies by Gerardo López de Guereñu con toponyms in Alava. It is an essential reference to understand the meaningof toponyms in Alava and the Basque Country in general.
These three books cover the toponyms of Pamplona and its surrounding area, both those that appear in ancient documents and in current documents. The study is very interesting for examining the type of Basque language in this area and is completed with maps for locating each toponym.
Those first three books compile the toponyms from three villages in the Pamplona area. It includes denominations from ancient documents, such as the corresponding ones to the present toponymy.
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The Azkue Library and Archive serves Euskaltzaindia. It is also open to all researchers and it aims to foster research and support the distribution of Basque cultural issues as far as it is able.