The ICT Commission will develop its projects via a four-year plan, in accordance with the following criteria:
- Development of the linguistic content already typical of Euskaltzaindia through new technologies.
- Promotion of technological resources in applied linguistics, in collaboration with the corresponding commissions, projects and services.
- Construction and development of the technological infrastructures of Euskaltzaindia, with the aim of making new technologies an autonomous sphere.
Urrutia, Andres
Sagarna, Andoni
Iker sailburua
Technical staff:
- Informatika zerbitzuaren arduraduna
- Komunikazioa eta irudia zerbitzuaren arduraduna
- Vice-president of Euskaltzaindia
- Secretary
- Head of Jagon department
- Treasurer
- Head members of commissions
- Head members of working groups, projects and services, depending on the issue
- IT consultant
Aholkularitza teknikoa:
- Undersecretary
- General manager
- Project Coordination