After years developing grammar, Euskaltzaindia gave its work in this area a significant boost when it decided, at the 9th Arrasate Congress (Mondragón) in 1979, to prioritise research into grammar and particularly syntax. A new Grammar Commission led by Piarres Lafitte was set up in 1980 with one specific remit: to compile the corpus for the Euskaltzaindia Grammar Guide.
Euskaltzaindia's systematic efforts to tackle this colossal project – Basque Grammar. Initial Work. (Euskal Gramatika. Lehen Urratsak - EGLU) – began in 1982 and have lasted more than a quarter of a century.
The Azkue Library and Archive serves Euskaltzaindia. It is also open to all researchers and it aims to foster research and support the distribution of Basque cultural issues as far as it is able.