Euskaltzaindia collaborates with various public administrations, academies, the media, associations, institutions and foundations that work in the field of promoting Basque or have shown their affection for this language.Public administrations
- Fryske Akademy (Frisian Language Academy)
- Ha'academia Lalashón Ha'ivrit (Academy of the Hebrew Language)
- Institut d'Estudis Catalans - Secció Filològica (Institute of Catalan Studies – Philology Section)
- Lo Congrès Permanent de la Lenga Occitana (Permanent Congress of the Occitan Language)
- Real Academia Española (Spanish Royal Academy)
- Real Academia Galega (Galician Royal Academy)
- Argia Magazine
- Berria Newspaper
- Bizkaia Radio
- Deia Newspaper
- EITB - Basque Radio Television
- EKT - Euskarazko Komunikazio Taldea (Communication Group in Basque)
- El Correo Newspaper
- El Diario Vasco Newspaper
- Euskalerria Radio
- Herria Magazine
- Iparragirre Publisher
- Jakin Magazine
- Karmel Magazine
- Noticias de Gipuzkoa Newspaper
- AEK - Euskaldunization and Literacy Coordinator
- Franciscan Convent of Arantzazu
- Azkue Foundation
- Basque Museum of Bayonne
- Bayonne Media Library
- Irigoyen de Bergara Board of Trustees
- Basque Dubbing and Dubbing Association
- Euskaltegi Bilbo Zaharra
- Diocese of Bilbao, San Sebastián and Vitoria
- Bizkaisida
- Cervantes Institute
- EIZIE - Basque Translators, Proofreaders and Interpreters Association
- Elhuyar Foundation
- Elkar Foundation
- Etxepare Institute
- EURAC - Institute for Applied Linguistics
- Friends of Bertsolaritza Association
- Ikastolas Association
- Association of Basque Writers
- Popular Foundation for Basque Studies
- Euskal Kultur Erakundea
- Euskaltel
- Euskaltzale movement meeting forum
- Eusko Ikaskuntza (Basque Studies Society)
- Gabriel Aresti Cultural Society
- HABE - Organization for Adult Literacy and Reuskaldunization
- HAEE-IVAP - Basque Institute of Public Administration – Euskera Pedagogy Service
- Ikas Basque Service of Pedagogy
- French National Geography Institute (IGN)
- Deanship of the Basque Country of the College of Property Registrars
- Jakin Magazine eta Jakin Fundation
- Labayru Basque Cultural Center
- Laneki - Association for the promotion of Basque in vocational training
- Langune - Basque Language Industries Association
- Mendebalde Cultural Association
- Mintzola Foundation
- Olaso Dorrea Foundation
- ONCE (National Organization of the Blind of Spain)
- Ortzadar LGBT
- Ramón Rubial Foundation
- Sabino Arana Foundation
- Sociolinguistics Cluster
- Summer Basque University
- UNESCO House
- UZEI - Basque Center for Terminology and Lexicography
- Association of Municipalities of Zuberoa
- University of the Basque Country
- Public University of Navarra
- University of La Rioja
- University of Deusto
- Mondragon University
- Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa Banking Foundation
- Laboral Kutxa
- Kutxa Banking Foundation
- Caja Vital Banking Foundation